
For every house built through the Home for a Home program in Australia, the participating builder will contribute to the cost of providing a family in need with a house they can transform into a home.

The cost of providing this house for a struggling family is paid for by the company and is not passed on to the new homeowner here in Australia. It is a way of saying ‘thank you’ for building with us and providing the owner, whilst building their home here, the opportunity to becomes part of their story there. For in all the years to come the recipients will fill that place with their laughter and their tears, their counsel and their wisdom, their kindness and their joy because of a family here in Australia. And that is the thing that so far surpasses any amount of money or help that we give – it is the potential our giving releases within these parents to do what we all as parents desire to do – provide that safe space in which our families can do life together.

We work with partner organizations in various countries around the world to provide homes for people in need as part of integrated community development projects. Wherever possible we seek to work with organizations who incorporate holistic development through the provision of other services such as health, education and counselling. Our goal is to be generationally transformative and to impact future generations through giving parents the chance to own a house and create a home in which to raise their children.

We are mindful of the importance of addressing poverty alleviation with strategies that preserve human dignity and encourage self-worth and self-empowerment. We are committed to sustainable development programs based on best practice in community development, which means that each project is carefully screened to ensure positive outcomes for all parties involved.